Big Bucks For MFH Construction Training
Big Bucks For MFH Construction Training
Four Florida colleges will receive a $10 million contract granted by the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training Program – or TAACCCT, as it’s not so commonly known. Specifically for the training of college students in the construction of manufactured housing, the program is run by the Department of Labor (DOL). Understanding the simple fact that people need homes to live in, and that the good old days of site built, single-family residential units are fast becoming dinosaurs. Seminole state college, Miami-Dade College, Santa Fe College and Polk will each be distributed and equitable share of the $10 million grant awarded by the Department of Labor; meant to facilitate the training and education of tomorrow’s manufactured housing workforce.

Big Bucks For MFH Construction Training
TAACCCT training
Once the new program is up and running, the TAACCCT training will allow students to be trained by skilled industry craftsman; educated, instructed, and advised by industry leaders on the best MFH construction techniques, in the hopes of potentially creating future quality craftsmen for the manufactured housing industry.
MFH, the wave of the future
The Department of Labor intuitively understands that as the construction cost of site built homes continues to head into the stratosphere, companies like Kabco Builders will need qualified contractors, should they desire to ride the wave of modular housing into the affordable future: building homes for America’s next generation.

Big Bucks For MFH Construction Training
Got skills?
Built in a controlled factory environment, similar to that of an assembly line, today’s manufactured homes are constructed of the same high quality materials as many of today’s pricier stick built residences. Built quickly and efficiently, thanks to the controlled construction environment, workers must have a firm understanding of math, electronics, welding and a host of new environmentally friendly technologies.
Going Green
The builders of tomorrow’s Manufactured homes will need to be well-versed in computer animated design (CAD), green technology, and must learn to be innovative and efficient in order to keep up with the future demand for manufactured housing.
As the American public’s demand for quality housing continues to soar, potential homebuyers are encouraged to visit their local manufactured home retailer to experience the exciting and fiscally responsible options available for them today.